How To Know If You’re A Social Media Humble-Bragger, Says Leadership Keynote Speaker in Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, High Impact Leadership Development Facilitator How do we let people know what we do as speakers, consultants + coaches, without the humble-brag? I’ve been guilty of posting photos of me in front of a helicopter (see here) after a talk, showing “action” photos of me pointing to open space giving a […]

Instead of Saying, “I How Can I Help You?”, Ask This Question, Suggests Wellness Speaker in Canada

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker How can I help? is one of the most meaningful questions you can ask someone – if the intention is genuine and you deliver on the promise implied. Sometimes people might not tell you, may not know how to articulate it, or may not want to impose. Instead of: […]

 Strategies On How to Create Psychological Safety in Teams From Wellness Speaker Canada

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker What I’ve learned is that in every room at least 50% of the participants might not be comfortable sharing in front of others. So, how do you create a working and learning space that’s collaborative yet safe for all people to be comfortable? They might cringe inwardly when you […]

Tips on Falling Upwards in Your Career from Resilience Speaker in Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker How will you fall upwards in 2020 and 2021? Falling upwards is re-framing a situation that at first appears devastating professionally but turns out to be a blessing wrapped in a curse. In two different times of my life, I lost jobs that I cared about due to factors […]

7 Virtual Tips on How to Effectively Incorporate Music Into Your Virtual Business Presentation, According to Virtual Keynote Speaker

By Resilient Speaker and Leadership Development Trainer, Jamie Mason Cohen 1. Reach out to musicians to perform live, whom you might know or put an ad on who have a message and musical style that fits the underlying themes and big idea of your webinar. 2. Incorporate musical interludes to control the pacing and […]

It Might Take Moving to a New Environment For You to Blossom, According to Resilience Speaker from Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker + High Impact Leadership Development Speaker Ready to Make Big Changes? It’s Not You, It’s the Environment That Needs to Change This flower is flourishing in a pot in my backyard but was fading away in the front yard one week ago. Sometimes it takes changing conditions to flourish […]

 Simple Tips on How to Give Useful Feedback From Leadership Development Facilitator in Canada

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker What I’ve learned about the kind of feedback most people really want (based on approximately 5000 1-1 coaching-graphotherapy sessions) that I do after my keynotes for attendees: When I ask people if they want me to tell them the positive and the constructive, 99.5% say they want both. What […]

Community Is The Golden Rule In Action As This Example Demonstrates from High Impact Leadership Development Trainer from Toronto

By High Impact Leadership Development Trainer, Jamie Mason Cohen Community is the golden rule in action: paying it forward by treating others as we’d like to be treated. I hired a Freelancer from Upwork who fixed a few things on my site. His grasp of #business English etiquette could use some work, which is understandable […]

Unlock Your Formula For Entrepreneurial Growth Based On The Business Leadership Development Strategies

By Business Leadership Development Strategist, Jamie Mason Cohen I was speaking with an entrepreneur who has grown several successful businesses and this is what he said: Accounting (Understand Profits and Loss) – He went back to school to take courses at the beginning to just focus on getting a handle on this area. Competitive Analysis […]

How You Help People Solve Problems And Add Value Is Your Differentiator In Your Market According to Keynote Marketing Speaker

By Keynote Marketing Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen This was the 2-hour lineup of inspiring entrepreneurs who lined up after my keynote to speak with me. It wasn’t to sign a book, to take a selfie, or to meet a celebrity, it was for audience members to receive instant insights about their strengths and blind spots […]