Resilience Speaker from Toronto Says to Do This One Thing to Shift from a Negative to Positive Mood and Learn More Effectively

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen While doing research for my book, LIVE FROM YOUR CLASS, Everything I Learned About Teaching, I Learned from Working at Saturday Night Live, I spoke with my friend, renowned body language and communication expert, Mark Bowden about the value of incorporating more humour into learning environments to boost productivity, […]

4 Critical Keys to Science-backed Well-Being According to Wellness Speaker Canada

By Wellness Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen Based on research conducted at Yale University, it turns out you can tell a lot about your happiness and well-being level by the quality of time you make for yourself. Making time to spend with family and friends who bring out the best in you. Making time to go […]

Resilience Speaker from Toronto Shows How Personal Development Can Become a Liability If You Make This One Mistake

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen Never let personal development replace playing with your kids. Never let taking professional development courses replace taking a micro-step forward. Never let talking replace active listening. Never let a careless comment by someone whose opinion you’re not interested in anyway become a priority over your well-earned view of yourself. […]

It’s Never Too Late to Make a Change based on the Experience of a Resilience Speaker

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen I wondered if I was a bit too old to transition to starting my own leadership development company and speaking career after having a 9-5 job for 12 years. But then I said to myself that I didn’t want to “live a life of quiet desperation” as Thoreau once […]

Tips from a Keynote Marketing Speaker on Structuring a Successful Business Pitch

By Keynote Marketing Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen How do you start a business or non-profit pitch when you are asked a version of the question, “Tell me something about yourself”? A client hired me to help him deliver a Dragon’s Den-style pitch recently to an organization in Amsterdam. Here’s my tip on how to structure […]

How a Bad Boss Can Be a Blessing According to a Resilience Speaker

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen I’ve had bosses who didn’t advocate for me and a few who did. Every time I had a boss who didn’t advocate for me it was confusing and led to a lot of negative energy spent on attempting to control something that was out of my control. Ultimately, I […]

Discover the Biggest Key to High Impact Leadership Development

By Leadership Development Trainer, Jamie Mason Cohen THE POWER OF SWAGGER Few people come to the table with a well thought out attempt at a solution. Some just stay neutral, state the obvious to not look bad or distance themselves from any potential to make a mistake in front of their peers or superiors at […]

Master the Art of Remembering What You Learn from a Resilience Speaker in Toronto

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen It’s more effective to take notes on your phone or laptop than by hand. FALSE: You are at least 20% more effective at learning something conceptually, absorbing the material and increasing your memory recall when you write. Mueller, Researcher at Princeton University and Oppenheimer, University of California had half […]

What a Resilience Speaker from Toronto Learned from SEAN COMBS at a V.I.P. Party in New York

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen HOW TO MAKE AN ENTRANCE Actors and speakers know that how you enter the stage for the first time sets the tone. It’s cliche but true: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. When I accidentally attended Sean Combs’ post-MTV Awards Party thrown for his […]

What SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Taught a Resilience Speaker from Toronto

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen How does the structure of your workweek impact your life? Your organization might not have a people problem, it may have a structure problem. Former SNL cast member, Will Ferrell thought that pulling all-nighters on Tuesday was a bad idea and unhealthy. The cast did it because it was […]