How Abraham Lincoln Inspired a Resilience Speaker from Toronto
By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen What can we learn from Abraham Lincoln about humour’s power to influence, show humility and connect with others? I spoke with Dr. James Cornelius, the Curator of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum about Lincoln while doing research for my TEDx talk and book. These are some of […]
Discover The Secrets To Minimalist Focus from Resilience Speaker from Toronto
By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen Tristan Harris, former Google Design Ethicist concluded that the phone is the equivalent to one billion slot machines in our pockets. We look at our phones on average, 150 times a day. Technology is highjacking are brains, shortening our attention spans, making young people less social, reducing empathy, and […]
5 Critical Keys To Leadership Development
By Leadership Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen It’s a myth that handwriting is no longer a useful skill in the fast-paced world we live in. What’s TRUE: Take notes by hand. You’ll absorb more information, better grasp conceptual ides and leave a much better impression in a business meeting than if you have your phone […]