SATURDAY NIGHT LEADERS: How to Solve Problems Keeping You Up at 3AM
#1: Virtual Workshop
SATURDAY NIGHT LEADERS: How to Solve Problems Keeping You Up at 3AM
SATURDAY NIGHT LEADERS is a 3-hour replica of the 7-day creation, collaboration, communication and problem-solving process that results in an episode of the TV show, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.
At the end of the workshop, your team will be yelling through their screens, LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT!
Learning Outcomes Include:
- How to incorporate a framework to plan and improvise a courageous conversation with team members
- How to apply science-based resilience strategies to masterfully collaborate through change
- How to create company-wide, purposeful stories to make customers want to buy
Watch this movie trailer for your SATURDAY NIGHT LEADERS WORKSHOP
“Jamie’s Saturday Night Leaders presentation received the highest audience rating we’ve ever had, 4.55/5 since doing these monthly events.” – MPIGNY(Meeting Planners International Greater New York)
“Masterful and inspiring. I think Jamie did an amazing job covering all the important topics, keeping everyone engaged, and giving them a process to follow.” Lucy La Grassa, PhD, TEC Canada Chair
Jamie Mason Cohen, nominated for 2020 Speaker of the Year by Meeting Planners International Greater New York, is a certified leadership trainer with The Leadership Circle, who once worked for SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. He has given virtual workshops for Sun Life Financial, Canada Life, Western University Alumni, TEC Canada (Canada’s largest CEO Advisory Network), HHRPA, and many more.
His TEDx Talk on creative and unconventional leadership has been viewed 2.2 + million times. His work has been featured on CNN, Forbes, Business Insider, Global’s The Morning Show and The Social.
THE ONE BIG THING: Business on the Brink of a Breakthrough
#2: Virtual Workshop or Keynote
THE ONE BIG THING: Business on the Brink of a Breakthrough
All kinds of businesses get hit by forces out of their control and face unexpected and unforeseen challenges. They need support in how to adapt to the new world. This is not business as usual. Help is on its way.
Jamie Mason Cohen, Meeting Planner International New York Speaker of the Year 2020 Nominee, Creator of a business TV pilot-in-development, and Certified Executive Leadership Trainer with The Leadership Circle, spent the past 9 months listening and interviewing business owners, who were successful before covid hit and now find their businesses on the brink.
This session will dive into Jamie’s findings in interviews with small business owners across Canada for his TV pilot zeroing in on how businesses can effectively adapt in constant disruption.
It will include an in-depth 2021 real-time ONE BIG THING goal-setting session. Your team will be equipped with focused, customized and concrete actions that they can begin putting into motion.
Organizations will be guided on how to build a mindset that incorporates resilience, optimism and realistic expectations. They will walk away with renewed and reinvigorated confidence to tackle what is in their control to make the year ahead their most meaningful and purposeful one yet.
Learning Outcomes:
In this practical, interactive and inspiring virtual keynote or workshop, your team will:
- Gain 7 Relevant Insights on what actions your business can take now to bring your business to the brink of a breakthrough (based on actual and relatable Business Case Studies during covid)
- Plan your ONE BIG THING to re-set your priority professional goals in real-time for 2021 in the midst of massive change and disruption
- Connect, collaborate and crowdsource success strategies with colleagues in a safe, inclusive and confidential space
This is not business as usual. This is BUSINESS ON THE BRINK OF A BREAKTHROUGH.
Supplies Needed for the Workshop
You have the option of printing off the hand-outs (THE ONE BIG THING and The Leadership Circle Leadership Accountability) or having the hand-outs available online to reference.
A notebook and a pen
#3: Virtual Keynote followed by Group and 1-1 Analysis
Jamie Mason Cohen’s ability to analyze a person’s strengths on the spot virtually or in-person has been called “frighteningly accurate” by Forbes and the “power of a superhero” by TEDx.
Jamie has analyzed the handwriting of Tom Brady, Beyonce, Oprah, Richard Branson, Meghan Markle and Joe Biden. Yours could be next! 100% Engagement. Guaranteed. Imagine a room full of people instantly hearing their strengths and what makes each other special – virtually?
How could that type of memorable personal development help a team reflect on their own greatness and help them re-connect with their peers? That’s what happens in this unique virtual experience that your audience will be talking about for months. Yes, that’s what clients actually say: their audiences are still talking about what they experienced in this talk months later!
Learning Outcomes Include:
- Exploring personalized leadership traits: optimism, self-reliance, self-confidence, grit, creativity, problem-solving, curiosity, adapting well in uncertainty, determination, goal setting, + emotional intelligence
- How to implement relevant and doable customized strategies to your industry
- At the end of the experience, there will be opportunities for audience members to hold up their handwriting cards to get a live VIRTUAL strength-based trait analysis both in front of the team and in 1 on 1 in breakout rooms.
Personal development is leadership development.
“I was highly skeptical going into the handwriting analysis part. After just 2-minutes of my virtual analysis, I am a huge believer in Jamie’s incredible gift of being able to nail my personality. It was actually quite moving experiencing it.” TEC Canada
Keevin Louckes, SunLife SVP said that Jamie’s interactive personal development talk combining graphotherapy, handwriting analysis, relevant data and executive leadership group coaching strategies was “the best talk SunLife has ever had in his tenure at the company.”
#4: Virtual or In-Person Workshop
Participants will create a Values Board in which they identify, clarify, map out and integrate GRATITUDE, ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES, LEADER’S VALUES, PERSONAL VALUES AND ADAPTABILITY into their day-to-day lives.
A values board is a powerful tool created by Jamie Mason Cohen to picture what matters most to us in our life, what we’re grateful for along our journey and provides an instant roadmap to help us achieve our most meaningful goals.
Learning Outcomes:
- Provides a unique and inclusive method for creating deep understanding of individual and team core values and how they impact team morale, motivation and results
- Gives a practical and inspiring team process for building gratitude and adaptability at work
- Develops organization-wide clarity on your team’s shared values during challenging and uncertain times
A large piece of paper or canvas board
Post-it notes
A small journal
#5: Virtual Keynote followed by Break-out Workshop
We will use the Leadership Culture Survey by The Leadership Circle to take a snapshot of your organization’s leadership culture. The business world is changing fast. Your business model is changing too. But your team never get the chance to reflect and adjust. That leaves you struggling to catch up. Jamie Mason Cohen, certified trainer at The Leadership Circle, will show you how your people see your culture right now, and how it measures up to what you would like to see. When you’re done, you’ll have a roadmap for change and a new way to focus your leadership development work. You will learn:- Your team’s top 3 data-informed, customized strengths that can be enhanced towards peak performance goals
- How to instantly apply relevant methodologies to raise the collective motivation of your team
- Where your remote culture is now, where you want it to be, and what needs to change to get top results
#6: Virtual Presentation Workshop
VIRTUAL STORYTELLING: How to Engage Your Audience Virtually with On-Camera Charisma Coaching
Virtual Talk Description Virtual business meetings, pitches, presentations and client engagement are here to stay. It might take a hybrid form in the months ahead but how you and your team communicate in a virtual setting is a crucial skill for your team to master both externally and internally. Yet so many remote interactions are a cross between PowerPoint Slide Karaoke, a sleep-inducing data dump and a one-sided poorly lit lecture by wonderful professionals who transform into stiff, unsmiling robots when the computer camera turns on. This regrettable problem can be resolved with some engaging and practical training from a speaker who not only worked at SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, but is a regular guest TV commentator on CNN, Global’s The Morning Show, and The Social and who has given virtual workshops to Fortune 500 executive teams, busines owners, physicians, professors and other leaders in fifteen countries. Learning Outcomes Include:- Know how to capture and become a magnet for your audience’s attention.
- How to build the timeless skill of storytelling for business, regardless of the medium (virtual or F2F) to persuade any audience, to build culture, to sell, to improve relationships, to recruit, or to create community
- How to balance analytical/data driven messages so that you can connect emotionally with the audience and reach their hearts.
- How to avoid the data dump and get your audience to remember your key message that you want them to act on.
- How to create on-camera confidence and charisma to lower your own stress and increase audience motivation by up to 50%
Jamie Mason Cohen is a virtual presentation and storytelling trainer and certified executive leadership coach with The Leadership Circle, who was nominated for the 2020 Meeting Planners International New York Speaker of the Year.
He previously worked behind-the-scenes for the comedy TV show, Saturday Night Live. He gave a globally popular TEDx talk on storytelling and leadership in Luxembourg that’s been viewed 2.2 million times (rumour has it 2.1 million views were by Jamie and his mom).
Jamie has worked with clients including Sun Life Financial, Novo Nordisk, Canada Life, the Canadian government, university lecturers, + leading CEOs with TEC Canada on how to become more effective communicators in their professional roles to build empathy and trust.
Recently, he helped med-tech entrepreneurs successfully gain funding by teaching them how to pitch their products.
Jamie is a regular guest commentator in the international media on communication and leadership in Forbes, CNN, Daily Express UK,, Thrive Global and Huffington Post.