By Resilient Speaker and Leadership Development Trainer, Jamie Mason Cohen
1. Reach out to musicians to perform live, whom you might know or put an ad on who have a message and musical style that fits the underlying themes and big idea of your webinar.
2. Incorporate musical interludes to control the pacing and manage the energy in the opening, the middle and the end.
3. Rehearse with the musician prior to them coming on to ensure that both of your sound requirements are synched and co-direct the segment.
Here is a recent rehearsal with my good friend, Nenad Bach in New York while I’m in Toronto, prior to his moving performance live during my Saturday Night Leaders virtual experiences for business and university groups.
4. If a musician plays live, provide a written version of their lyrics in the ‘Chatbox’.
5. Buy a recording of their song as a follow-up gift for every member of your audience.
6. Turn the camera off and include a musical or voice-only component activity to give people a break from the visual.
7. Use music to underscore a story you tell the audience tapping into the emotional + intuitive parts of the brain.