The Surprising Way to Build Determination Towards Making a New Habit Stick, According to Resilience Speaker

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker Terry Fox ran 25 miles per day, and only cancer stopped him from running across Canada. He did it on a wooden leg. They don’t have the prosthetics they have today. He did it in extreme pain and through rain, sleet, and snow. In handwriting analysis, determination is sometimes […]

Wellness Speaker Canada Says Self-Acceptance is Found in Saying These 2 Words to Yourself

By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen In 1984, my mom Estelle came home and said she was transformed by an experience. The experience was a Louise Hay seminar. Hay was one of the pioneers of positive personal development in espousing the belief that what you think determines what you feel and what you bring into […]

Why a Practical Optimist’s Mindset Is The Secret to Persevering Through Difficult Times, Says Resilience Speaker from Toronto

By Resilient Speaker and Leadership Development Trainer, Jamie Mason Cohen How can you master the art of emotional and social connectedness in a time of physical distancing?  A few practical things you can do to build emotional connection with your team include creating the type of environment where people feel that they have a similar […]

 When You Should Quit, According to Resilience Speaker from Toronto

By Resilence Speaker and Virtual Meetings Facilitator, Jamie Mason Cohen When should you quit? I was asked this recently in context to the Arts, by a leading academic. You can be resilient and persistent and yet quit a lot on your path. I know I have. Let me explain. Quitting makes sense when there’s no […]

The Evolving Leader’s Mindset, from Leadership Keynote Speaker in Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker It’s no longer an important skill in the fast-paced world we live in. 1. Take notes by hand. You’ll absorb more information, better grasp conceptual ides and leave a much better impression in a business meeting than if you have your phone out on the table. 2. Write personalized, […]

The Value of Creating a Rejection Resume to Turn Crisis Into Opportunities According to Resilience Keynote Speaker from Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker I’ve seen several inspiring posts about the accomplishments people have had over the past decade. I was tempted to do this, too, but paused. It might benefit those reading these posts to include: a few-near misses, rejections, lay-offs, false starts, close calls, temporary failures, a heartbreak or two, and […]

The Lincoln Principle in Effectively Dealing With Anger, Explained by Wellness Speaker Canada

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker Not always to say the right thing in the right place but far more difficult to leave unsaid the wrong thing in the tempting moment. – Benjamin Franklin There is a time and place for a courageous conversation. There is also a time to let the mud settle in […]

Why Falling In Love With The Problem Is The Secret To Entrepreneurial Success, According to Resilience Speaker in Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker Only 10% of start-ups succeed. What’s one significant thing they do differently than the 90% who fail? They fall in love with the problem. Ask yourself “Why” 5 x to explore what the real problem your customer faces. People don’t go out in a snowstorm at midnight to get […]

Brainwriting: How You Write Reflects Who You Are Beneath the Surface According to Leadership Keynote Speaker from Toronto

By Leadership Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen Are there handwriting traits that are comparable to body language cues when it comes to understanding a person’s personality/unconscious mind/true beliefs? Organizations use many avenues of intelligence to find the best candidate when it comes to filling some of the most important positions. I’m a handwriting expert who […]

How You Treat Employees is a Key Differentiator in Your Business According to Resilience Speaker from Toronto

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker What’s your differentiator? How you treat employees can be a key differentiator in your business. I spoke with a friend, a leading Sales Expert + former CEO, who said that people can spend their entire careers searching for their differentiator and it’s essential to find + clarify yours. 3 […]