By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen
1. Cultivate an air of gratitude.
Culture starts at the top. Get in the habit of thanking your team in writing (handwritten notes are better than texts or e-mails) for their specific contribution to the team.
Gratitude can also come in the form of public acknowledgement at a meeting and pointing out micro-victories in the process of a team’s OKR.
2. Savour team wins
Take a few minutes at the beginning of a meeting to relive group successes. Talk about the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Why, Where and How).
Savouring or bringing self-awareness to experiences by noting, discussing or writing down what went well as it’s happening or just after can prolong positive group feelings for a month or longer.
It also builds rapport and camaraderie between new team members and veterans.
3. Do Random Acts of Kindness
Doing good for others, within the office and outside of it, without any expectation has been shown to increase your happiness level.
When your happiness level increases, it’s contagious with your team. Bringing in that mood also makes your colleagues more productive by simply being in your presence.