How Leadership Keynote Speaker from Toronto Gained Leadership Skills from Directing Films
By Leadership Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen Perseverance: My short film, The Barber of Kigali was rejected 41 times from festivals, but got into 9, and won, “Best Non-Fiction Short” at a festival in London, England. The journey is as important as the destination if you are present along the way. In the process of […]
4 Unexpected Leadership Lessons from Film Producer Turned Leadership Keynote Speaker from Toronto
By Leadership Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen 1: Research: It gives you the opportunity to dive deeply into topics that you are truly interested in. Choose topics that you are genuinely passionate about. When obstacles come up, you’ll push through them because of your love for the subject matter. 2. The Run-Through: I watched Director, […]
3 Leadership Lessons Resilience Speaker from Toronto Learned About Overcoming Rejection from Writing + Producing Film and Media Projects
By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen 1. It builds grit: To put yourself out there over and over and be met with rejection or even worse, indifference, can create disappointment or build grit. It’s a choice one way or the other each time. The mental energy it takes to pull oneself up each time can’t […]
Resilience Speaker from Toronto Says Study Shows We Are More Resilient Than We Give Ourselves Credit For
By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen A recent study referenced by Yale University shows that people are more resilient in the face of setbacks than they may think they are. The emotional disappointment from feeling rejected or losing out on an opportunity has less of a lasting negative emotional impact than we would have anticipated. […]
Tips On How to Get Out of a Rut Through Hobbies from Resilience Speaker in Toronto
By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen The answer for many leaders is to make time for a hobby, passion or interest. To create space to create, think, or learn for the sake of learning. It just seems to give the mind a break, reset the emotions and give our souls a healthy escape. Yet some […]
3 Useful Leadership Lessons Virtual Keynote Speaker from Toronto Stumbled Upon by Working for Saturday Night Live Executive Producer, Lorne Michaels in New York
By Virtual Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen 1. Having a great eye for talent is one of the most important traits of a leader who lasts. Lorne Michaels’s continual focus on surrounding himself with innovative comedic minds with different perspectives has resulted in a show that’s survived and for the most part, thrived for over […]
Exceptional Customer Service to Model for Your Team as Experienced by Keynote Speaker Canada
By Leadership Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen In my travels globally as a #professionalspeaker, I stay in many different hotel rooms. In my recent trip to #Fredericton, I experienced an example of #customerserviceexcellence that I’ve never experienced before. See the image below. The House Keeper left a handwritten note welcoming me to an immaculately prepared […]
1 Real-World Instance of Successfully Aligning Your Leadership, Brand and Culture By Leadership Keynote Speaker
By Leadership Keynote Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen Recently, I gave a business workshop in Fredericton, New Brunswick that took place in the boardroom of one of Atlantic Canada’s greatest entrepreneurial stories, Jim Gilbert’s Wheels and Deals. I had heard about this local legendary success story through #TEC Speaker of The Year’s, Gair Maxwell brilliantly actionable […]
3 Simple, Science-backed Ways to Develop A Happier Work Culture from Resilience Speaker from Toronto
By Resilience Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen 1. Cultivate an air of gratitude. Culture starts at the top. Get in the habit of thanking your team in writing (handwritten notes are better than texts or e-mails) for their specific contribution to the team. Gratitude can also come in the form of public acknowledgement at a meeting […]
Discover the Secret To Getting Return Customers on Premium Priced Products based on Experience of Keynote Marketing Speaker from Toronto
By Keynote Marketing Speaker, Jamie Mason Cohen How – less is more – contributed to me being a return customer. My wife, Karen and I were in a Volkswagen dealership a few hours ago, where we leased our second car with this brand over the past year. One thing I like about Volkswagen is that […]