The Proverb, Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8, Is the Foundation for Long-Term Success, Says Resilience Speaker in Toronto

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By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker

How you recover from the rejections, the false-starts have prepared you for your successful next chapter.

Put your head down. Do the work. Get .5% better each day.

Celebrate minor victories along the way.

Surround yourself in a bubble (yes, a bubble) of like-minded people with your level of action-orientated drive, generosity, energy, optimism, and integrity.

Only share your dreams at first with people who give you a feeling of safety and who are secure in their own journey.

This is not really advice; it’s a reflection on what’s worked for me in my pivot not so long ago, in my 40’s to a new career as a leadership speaker and workshop creator.

I’m grateful and content, not complacent. I now realize when looking back over two decades that the reason I have something to say now is because of the winters, summers, springs and falls that my life has gone through.

Your experiences are your story. Embrace them and show up again today.

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