Tips on Falling Upwards in Your Career from Resilience Speaker in Toronto

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falling upwards

By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker

How will you fall upwards in 2020 and 2021?

Falling upwards is re-framing a situation that at first appears devastating professionally but turns out to be a blessing wrapped in a curse.

In two different times of my life, I lost jobs that I cared about due to factors outside of my control.

If I didn’t lose the first job due to not being able to renew my visa, I may never have moved back to Toronto, met my amazing wife and had two precious kids together.

Nor would I have gone back to school and started a new career truly serving people in a way that still impacts some of them years later.

The second time, I lost a job because the organization closed down, some people said, “that’s terrible, I’m sorry to hear that.” Others said, “that’s fantastic, that gives you a reason to pursue what you really want to do.”

Two years later, I “bet on myself” as Toronto Raptor Fred VanVleet said of himself when he initially wasn’t selected by any NBA team in the draft.

I created a new career for myself that I love: in working with businesses and associations across North America helping them tap into their strengths through unorthodox strategies to be effective leaders.

Here’s to re-framing the next setback as a chance to fall upwards in 2020.
#leadership #business Photo: Josh Parlee

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