Instead of Saying, “I How Can I Help You?”, Ask This Question, Suggests Wellness Speaker in Canada

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By Jamie Mason Cohen, Resilience Speaker

How can I help? is one of the most meaningful questions you can ask someone – if the intention is genuine and you deliver on the promise implied.

Sometimes people might not tell you, may not know how to articulate it, or may not want to impose.

Instead of: how can I help? You could re-frame the question or be more specific:
Ask: What can I help you with that’s keeping you up at night?
– Who can I introduce you to whom I may know who could help you?
-What can I help you with that will help you impact more people in a positive way?
-What’s your number 1 priority that I can help you with in some way?

Or: Just help them. Do something. Like Emerson said, “Your actions speak so loud, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”

Call them to say you were thinking about them and express gratitude.
Buy their book and review it online.
Go to their event.
Tell them you believe in their ideas.
Make time for them.
Ask if you can introduce them to someone you think would be a good match. Ask the other person first, too.
Go to funerals.
Visit people in the hospital and bring some magazines + coffee.
Act on their advice and show them the positive results.
If you’re in a position to, give someone a break. Most of us need one.

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