By Resilence Speaker and Virtual Meetings Facilitator, Jamie Mason Cohen
When should you quit? I was asked this recently in context to the Arts, by a leading academic. You can be resilient and persistent and yet quit a lot on your path. I know I have. Let me explain.
Quitting makes sense when there’s no longer progression or joy in a professional relationship or a career path.
When a good project blocks the growth of a priority project.
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When you quit something, it doesn’t have to be forever. It just might mean quitting giving all of your time to that one pursuit.
Sometimes we need to give something up for it to re-emerge and resurrect in another form or in combination with another unexpected path.
When I ‘quit’ making films and TV segments in New York, I ended up producing media that I incorporated into the fields of business and education — which I’m doing to this day.
Sometimes quitting means making space for yourself to explore and allow new ideas, new people and new creativity to pour into your life.